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M13 Consortium meeting

F-CUBED Consortium Meeting M13

The F-CUBED team got together this past 19 and 20th of May in virtual mode for the M13 Consortium meeting. With a series of group activities and a set of presentations of the members of the project, the team took advantage of the opportunity of the gathering to get more aligned and connected the project activities.  

Now that Phase 1 of the project is finished, which focused on determining the optimal conditions for the Pilot installation, the discussion in the meeting circled around the progress of each of the Work Packages in the past 6 months, and the planning of the activities to come ahead in Phase 2, the Pilot Campaigns. 

Technical aspects of the project were discussed to ensure the installation and first functional testing are a success. 

KNEIA, leader of WP6 presented in the meeting a video that summarizes the work done in phase 1 of the project. Here you can find the video. Link to video:

Also, as part of WP6 activities, a second video was presented in the meeting: “F-CUBED Introductory Video” Link to the video:

The team is thrilled and ready to start this new phase of the project and looking forward to the next (and first) F2F Meeting in Tarragona (April/May 2022). 


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